yo mama fr
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errr I'm going insane and instead of wirritng this privvately I would lvoe to share it with you people. SOryr if i can't tpye properly my hands just feel really shaky I think and typing isn'y easy for me well isn't that just wonderful? soo bear with me and this whole ting, or just dont read if oyu dont wnat to, no one is forcing you to, unless tehy are
so first topic of the day....... errr so todya I saw something really weird... I was walking outside to my bus stop as uaul *yeah i got to school). and I saw a weird thing by my feet, like some weird light or line? I don't know what it was, I thhought it was a trip (or is it trap?) wire, i though I had fallen into soemm sort of trap and wa s gonna die tbh (I didn't). I dont know why but I alawyas feel like I'm about to die or that like someonne is after me or whatever. Kind of embarassing if oyu ask me. I need to up my GAME . VCRaxy stuff if you ask me. errr btt were you????? no one asked aghhh dificul to type out the lanugage and stuff when my hands are so shaky!!!!!!!!!!! You hav e no idea how difficult it is for me to make my crapyp little websites. isnt for me So if anythign seems borken it's probably because of the favt I cannot type properly
also, I've felt motivated to follow my dreams recenrly. I'm gonna be a vet